The inauguration of Trump as president of the United States has left many people shocked and uneasy. Lately artists worldwide are becoming more and more vocal about Trump.
WG Kunst agrees that it’s time for action. They’ve called upon artists to respond to Trump in the form of a work of art.
More than 20 artists have responded and created an artistic statement. It will be a varied exhibition in which various disciplines are showcased. There will be paintings, drawings, cartoons, three-dimensional work, stories, and poems.
Marius van Bouwdijk Bastiaansestraat 28, 1054 SP Amsterdam.
Opening hours:
Saturday, February 25 from 01:00 to 05:00 pm
Sunday, February 26 from 01:00 to 05:00 pm
More about this exhibition in the Dutch newspaper Het Parool > go to article